to our anniversaries

For over 25 years, I have been wishing our guests an eventful stay at our museum.
Steffi Schäfer
Cashier (Technik Museum Speyer)

Redesigning exhibitions, painting facades, varnishing large exhibits and transporting a submarine for the 25th anniversary - I'm excited to see what else is in store for us.
Mihil Mrijaj
Painter (Technik Museum Sinsheim)

Even a museum moves with the times. And I am sometimes responsible for ensuring that my colleagues are up to date with the latest IT developments.
Jörg Niemzik
IT/EDV (Technik Museen Sinsheim Speyer)

Which cleaning lady can claim to dust aeroplanes, locomotives or vintage cars - my job is very varied.
Marianna Brenneisen
Cleaning lady (Technik Museum Sinsheim)

Making our guests feel at home has been my top priority for over 10 years.
Bettina Baitsch
House keeping (Hotel Sinsheim)

Night at the Museum - is definitely more exciting than the film and not a job for everyone. You have to be prepared for anything here.
Sergej Zwetzich
Night fan (Technik Museum Sinsheim)

Roland Boeuf (exhibit manager at the Technik Museum Sinsheim) - 25 years
Heike Klein (cashier at the Technik Museum Sinsheim) - 10 years
Anne Delic (shop assistant at the Technik Museum Speyer) - 10 years
Further anniversaries: