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International Gauge 1 Meeting & Winter Modelling Days
Pure model-making fascination

This autumn weekend, the Winter Model Making Days and the International Gauge 1 Meeting attracted numerous visitors to the Technik Museum Speyer. Both events delighted modelling fans young and old alike.

The gauge 1 meeting was a real highlight for railway enthusiasts. Visitors were able to marvel at impressive 1:32 scale locomotives, carriages and detailed landscapes. Exhibitors, clubs and manufacturers from all over Europe ensured an impressive show and a lively exchange among model railway enthusiasts.

At the same time, the Winter Model Construction Days, organised by the members of the Speyerer Verein zur Luftfahrthistorie der Pfalz (VFLP e.V.), provided plenty of fun for the whole family. With craft activities, pre-Christmas dioramas and creative hands-on activities in the space hall, visitors young and old were invited to discover their own modelling skills and learn from experts. Both events met with an enthusiastic response - and will continue on 15 and 16 November 2025.